February 09, 2022 1 min read

Mikrobs Field Test Report: Levity Farms Edition

Levity Farms is a vegetable, herb, and flower farm in Georgia whose focus is on regenerative agriculture, nutrient-rich produce, and active community participation. They have been using Mikrobs at their farm for several growing cycles starting summer 2019.

Plants that were given Mikrobs:

  • Initially: Turnips, Lettuce, Brussel Sprouts
  • Now: Every time they do transplants
    • Tomatoes, cucumbers, radishes, carrots, turnips, lettuce, etc.

(Image Description: Lettuce applied with Mikrobs at Levity Farms)

(Image Description: Transplant Seedlings applied with Mikrobs at Levity Farms)

General Storage:

  • Stored in a bucket

Application Regimen:

  • First Year of Use (2019): Brussels sprouts were given layer applications and they were “some of the best brussels sprouts I had ever seen,” according to Levity Farms
  • Currently (2020-Now): They apply Mikrobs every time they do transplants
    • When transplanting, they water it in with Mikrobs
    • 10 days later, they do another round of applications
  • General Application: Mix around a tablespoon of Mikrobs per gallon of water and hand-water it over plants primarily through these methods:
    • Watering Pail à Good for soil drench
    • Backpack Sprayer à For light feeding
    • Mist Spray over plants

Improvements / Differences in Growth Patterns:

  • Plants way greener and noticeably bigger
  • More vitality observed
  • Even growth
    • Uniform & robust growth- plants grow into approximately similar robust sizes

Overall Experience / Additional Comments:

  • Kind of like an upgraded compost tea
  • Helps jumpstart soil
  • Observing longer lasting effects on soil biodiversity and health


Personal commentary, application demonstration, and additional observations from the growers at Levity Farms can be accessed here: https://youtu.be/FEo8ebMCBK0


Check out Mikrobs here: mikrobs.com/products/mikrobs-microbial-superpack

Check out Levity Farms (@levityfarmsga on IG) here: https://www.levityfarms.com

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